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Runke Participates in the 2023 FIC Exhibition with DHA and ARA Products!

From March 15 to 17, 2023, the 26th China International Food Additives and Ingredients Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as FIC) was held in Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center. As one of the largest and most influential professional exhibitions in the global food additives and ingredients industry, it attracted over 1,500 exhibitors.

Runke (Booth 3U06/3V07 in Hall 3), as a professional manufacturer of microalgae DHA and ARA ingredients, showcased its independently developed scientific and technological achievements at this FIC exhibition. During the three-day event, the exhibition attracted numerous professionals from the food industry both domestic and foreign, fully demonstrating the healthy and efficient development status of the food additive and ingredient industry in the new era.

With the increasing health awareness of consumers, functional foods have received much attention, and as a raw material enterprise, Runke has also strengthened the development and innovation of healthy and functional ingredients. In addition to promoting the oil and powder products of microalgae DHA and ARA on the raw material side, this exhibition also included products under the brand of Baodecong, covering three major health food directions: infant wisdom growth, eye protection for children and adolescents, and nutritional supplementation for pregnant women. Runke displayed its self-developed and self-produced algae oil DHA and ARA on the spot, attracting the attention of many industry professionals and demonstrating its strong strength from the raw material side to the terminal!
