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The company has a research and development team led by international well-known microalgae technology experts, four provincial and municipal engineering technology research and development centers and enterprise microalgae technology research and development platform, a perfect pilot workshop and a 100, 000 standard GMP production base. The company has passed ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO22000, HACCP, FSSC22000, non-GMO identity retention (IP) and other certifications to provide high-quality products to global customers with strict quality standards.

The company's development goal is to make use of bioengineering technology to develop marine microalgae and microorganism industry, to become a leading supplier of health food nutrition fortifier, nutrition raw materials and nutrition products in China, to serve human health with high-quality health products, and to build Runke Biology into an internationally renowned modern biotechnology enterprise.

Innovative enterprises in Guangdong Province
Key technological innovation projects in Guangdong Province
National Torch Plan Project
National Innovation Fund Project
National high-tech project
618 excellent projects of Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission
Strategic new industrial backbone enterprises in Guangdong Province