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Public Welfare on the Road | Runke: Once Again, Believing in the Power of Goodwill

To ensure that more children, especially left-behind children, can receive better nutrition and grow up healthily and happily, during the Children's Day, Smile Tomorrow Charitable Foundation teamed up with Guangdong Runke Bioengineering Co., Ltd., and collaborated with Kaihua County Business and Enterprise Volunteer Service Center as well as socially loving individuals, to visit Xiayu Village in Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province, to conduct the "Happy Childhood, All-Inclusive Care" public welfare activity, offering heartfelt love to the children.

All-Inclusive Care for Left-Behind Children
Xiayu Village in Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province, known as one of the "Top Ten Most Beautiful Villages in China," belongs to an economically underdeveloped area. According to incomplete statistics, in this beautiful place surrounded by green mountains and clear waters, there are over 5,000 left-behind children whose parents have left for work, either partially or entirely, during the compulsory education stage, and over 1,000 poverty-stricken students with certificates.

Runke's public welfare ambassadors engaged in exciting and enriching activities with local children, including red Revolution story presentations, red Revolution knowledge quizzes, and fun sports games. Both volunteers and children were fully engaged, with laughter and applause intertwining continuously.

 (Runke's public welfare ambassadors interacted with local children in games)

They also brought an interesting "mini-classroom" on nutritional knowledge to the children, informing them of the nutrients needed for growth and how to obtain these essential nutrients. The body needs nutrition, and the brain also needs nutrition. DHA is a nutrient that the brain "likes." DHA accounts for approximately 20% in the cerebral cortex, helping to build a dense "road network" of neural connections. Moreover, DHA is also a nutrient that the eyes "like," as it accounts for about 50% in the retina. This also reminded the children to pay attention to eye care and develop clear and bright vision.

At the scene, Runke, along with Smile Tomorrow Charitable Foundation and Kaihua County Business and Enterprise Volunteer Service Center, donated love materials worth 1 million yuan to women and children in Kaihua County. Zhu Jiufeng, the director of the county civil affairs bureau, and Wang Changhong, the chairperson of the county women's federation, received the donation on behalf of the beneficiaries.

(Guangdong Runke and Smile Tomorrow Charitable Foundation donated materials worth 1 million yuan)

Nurturing with Kindness, Love without Exception
  After the donation ceremony, the volunteers visited several households of left-behind women and children in the village, delivering love and nutritional materials to them, and engaging in friendly conversations about their daily lives.

Runke's public welfare ambassadors expressed their belief in the power of goodwill, hoping to bring warmth and happiness to more people around them through actions within their capabilities. Since 2018, the volunteers' enterprise has actively carried out various public welfare activities through the "Nurturing with Kindness" program, which has also influenced many enthusiastic individuals to join in. This visit to Xiayu Village aimed to make these children who cannot be with their parents feel more sincere care from society. At the same time, the donated algal oil DHA products can better ensure the nutritional supply of local children, making their childhood and future more outstanding.