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Focusing on the Health of Premature Babies | Runke Bioengineering Supports Changjiang Public Welfare Foundation

Newborns are the future of the country and the hope of the nation!

On September 8th, Runke Bioengineering generously supported and donated to the "Huxi Action" of the Changjiang Public Welfare Foundation, successfully concluding the fourth "Specialized Diagnostic and Therapeutic Training for Neonatal Healthcare Professionals in Eastern, Western, and Northern Guangdong."


Up to now, Runke Bioengineering has donated over 300,000 yuan to the "Huxi Action," indirectly helping 615 premature babies, with 572 successfully rescued, bringing love and hope to nearly 500 families. This training involved 65 healthcare professionals from 34 hospitals in Eastern, Western, and Northern of Guangdong, who underwent a month-long clinical practice and theoretical lectures at 7 high-level specialty training bases in Guangdong Province to enhance their diagnostic and treatment capabilities for neonatal patients. This ensures that more premature babies receive proper treatment and grow up healthily.







Founded in 2016, the Changjiang Public Welfare's "Huxi Action" is a public welfare project that Runke Bioengineering has consistently paid attention to and strongly supported. The project was jointly launched by Changjiang Public Welfare Foundation and authoritative institutions such as the Guangdong Medical Association. It has won the "Four-Star Quality Project" award at the 2022 China Public Welfare Charity Competition. By providing financial assistance to premature babies from impoverished families, it addresses their urgent needs and ensures that they receive timely treatment.

According to official statistics, approximately 50,000 newborns are born in China every day, and more than one in every 10 newborns is premature, ranking second in the world. With timely treatment, most babies can be fully cured, but due to the high cost of treatment, some families fall into economic difficulties and have to delay or give up... "I really thought about giving up on one of them..." On February 24th, Mr. Xu's twin babies were born prematurely, but soon after, they were diagnosed with neonatal pneumonia that had already infected them in utero. The situation was critical, and immediate treatment was required, with daily treatment costs reaching tens of thousands of yuan.


Mr. Xu's family conditions were not favorable, as his parents were long-term patients requiring medical treatment, his wife needed care after childbirth, and his income had been significantly reduced due to the pandemic. The pressure was immense, making him feel suffocated. Facing his babies, who were curled up in the incubator with various instruments inserted into their bodies, Mr. Xu choked up with tears several times. Fortunately, with the help of his attending physician, Mr. Xu submitted an application to the "Huxi Action" of the Changjiang Public Welfare Foundation. After carefully verifying the situation, the foundation promptly provided financial assistance to Mr. Xu. With the support of the foundation and the help of his relatives and friends, both twin babies received timely professional treatment and gradually recovered.



With the implementation of the "Huxi Action" of Changjiang Public Welfare Foundation, we are delighted to see that more and more economically disadvantaged families like Mr. Xu can regain hope, and more premature babies can receive timely treatment and grow up healthily. This is also the original intention of Runke Bioengineering in paying attention to and strongly supporting this public welfare project.


As a leading enterprise in the microalgae DHA industry, Runke Bioengineering's microalgae DHA covers 90% of dairy companies in China, including high-end infant formula brands. About 200 million cans of milk powder are added with Runke DHA annually, and about 13 million infants and children consume milk powder with Runke DHA. Newborns are the hope and future of the country, and protecting the intelligence and health of China's next generation of infants and children is Runke Bioengineering's corporate mission and belief. This is a continuation of Runke Bioengineering's public welfare path and a strong sense of mission as a benchmark enterprise in the microalgae industry.







In the future, Runke Bioengineering will continue its public welfare journey of "silently nourishing and benefiting society," safeguarding the wisdom and health of China's infants and children, and contributing to extending human lifespan.